
Employee Adobe License Reprovision

In an effort to clean up unused Adobe Creative Cloud licenses, campus employee licenses we’re removed on Tuesday, May 21st.

Employees needing access to Adobe Creative Cloud will need to follow the streamlined “Reactivating an Expired License” process outlined in our Knowledge Base: This will allow you to quickly restore your access to Adobe applications. 

Please Note:

  • This did not affect student employees.
  • This did not affect files you have stored in Adobe Creative Cloud.
  • This did affect your access to Adobe Creative Cloud applications like Photoshop and Illustrator.
  • You do not need an Adobe Creative Cloud license to open PDFs or fill out PDF forms. PDFs can be opened with a web browser and a Creative Cloud license is not required for filling out forms with Adobe Acrobat.

If you experience issues accessing Adobe Creative Cloud applications, please request assistance:


Software Access for Courses

Adobe Creative Cloud, Mendeley Cite, and Microsoft Project are available to students by request. We recommend that faculty requiring software for their classes request their class roster be assigned software access as soon as possible. This will allow students to have access to the software more quickly. Please provide a list of students (email addresses) you would like given access to, as well as the class name and section (ex: MADT 101-01).

Phishing, Security

Scam Emails Targeting Campus Accounts

Campus accounts have been targeted by a few scam and phishing emails this week. Examples are provided below. Do not reply to these emails or click on the links.

Unsolicited job offers are likely to be scams, especially if they’re offering to pay $150+/hour. Do not reply to this email and be cautious of requests for your personal information.

If you clicked on a link and provided your credentials you should use Account Center (via the Portal) to reset your password.

ISEC was able to remove scam emails from campus mailboxes, and the links used have been reclassified as phishing and blocked on campus networks. Any campus accounts used to send these messages have had their passwords reset.


Emergency Network Maintenance

Due to the network outage the campus experienced last Sunday night, emergency network maintenance is required to resume the redundancy for our internet connection from CENIC, our internet service provider. The emergency network maintenance will occur Saturday morning from 3:00 – 4:00 AM. We do not anticipate any interruption of services, but if we do, it may impact some services or websites on or off campus like the learning management system, email, campus portal or internet access as a whole. We apologize for any interruptions this may cause, but it is imperative the emergency network maintenance occurs so we can avoid further internet service interruptions.


Network Refresh Project

The Division of IT will begin upgrading network ports in all state-supported buildings from February 27 – March 17. The crew is working on an overnight schedule in an effort to avoid any network or power outages during normal operating hours.   

A complete installation schedule for each building can be found here: 

The campus community can look forward to internet connection speeds being 2.5 or 5x faster as well as more power for our electronic equipment. If you experience any network issues during normal business hours, please submit a request at or contact IT Support Services. 


LastPass Security Incident

LastPass may have notified you regarding a recent security incident involving unauthorized access to their environment. Please note that campus-managed LastPass accounts are not at risk. However, be very cautious of any phishing email message that asks you to provide information claiming they are from LastPass, especially if you are asked to provide your LastPass master password. LastPass personnel will never ask you to provide your LastPass master password and you should always carefully verify any webpage that asks for that information before providing it. Information Security and IT Support Services are actively monitoring this situation, and more information can be located at


Voicemail Service Interruption

UPDATE: Telecommunication Services has restored voicemail service and we do not anticipate further service interruption. The cause of the outage was an inadvertently disabled network adapter on the new voicemail server.

Soon after the migration of the voicemail system was complete, the service became unavailable to users. Technicians are working on the issue with no estimated time for repair. Currently, calls are not being routed to voicemail, and voicemail messages cannot be retrieved. We apologize for the inconvenience this may cause.


Voicemail Server Update

Scheduled Maintenance: Wednesday, December 21, 5:00 – 8:00 AM
Services Impacted: Voicemail

On Wednesday, December 21st Telecommunications Services will update the campus voicemail system. The new voicemail server updates aging hardware and meets Microsoft’s requirements for OAuth. During this process voicemail messages, greetings, and configurations, will be migrated from the old to the new server. Voicemail will be unavailable during this migration. An announcement greeting will be in place during the migration informing callers of the outage. Users are encouraged to delete any unnecessary voicemails prior to Dec. 21st.