
Duo Mobile App

Duo Multifactor Authentication (MFA) is easy to use with the Duo Mobile application. You can use the Duo Push authentication method with your smart device to quickly authenticate to campus systems. If you’re not using the Duo mobile app we recommend that you install it from your app store and switch to this convenient authentication method. You can select “remember me” in the app to stay signed in for up to three days.

If you are currently using the Call Me option you can switch to Duo Push the next time you’re prompted for Duo authentication. Once prompted you can enter your credentials, then click Settings to add a new device, select Mobile phone, enter your phone number, and you’ll receive a text message with activation information. More information about using the mobile app is available at https://support.csuchico.edu/TDClient/1984/Portal/KB/ArticleDet?ID=42411.

If you’re already using Duo Push please help your coworkers make the switch and join our “Push to Push.”


Student Duo Enrollment

Multifactor Authentication with Duo has been deployed to all employees to keep accounts secure and prevent loss of data. Over the next two weeks, all students will be enrolled in Multifactor Authentication with Duo as well.

DateDuo Enforcement
April 13–15Current Students, last names A–K
April 20–22Current Students, last names L–Z

Once the Duo enforcement date arrives, anyone not enrolled with Duo will be prompted to self-enroll their mobile device, and Duo authentication will be required the next time they authenticate to a Duo enforced campus system.

Duo, Security

Duo Enrollment for Employees and Students

Campus began deploying Multifactor Authentication with Duo in 2018, and today, more than 90% of employees are successfully using it to keep accounts secure and prevent loss of data. Over the next few weeks, the remaining employees and all students will be enrolled in Multifactor Authentication with Duo.

Duo Enforcement Date

April 6: All Remaining Employees

April 13–15: Current Students, last names A–K

April 20–22: Current Students, last names L–Z

Once your Duo enforcement date arrives, anyone not enrolled with Duo will be prompted to self-enroll your mobile device, and Duo authentication will be required the next time you authenticate to a Duo enforced campus system.