
Identity Finder Automatic Scans

Have you run Identity Finder Yet?

This is a reminder that campus computers need to be scanned for Level 1 data.  Instructions can be located at the following link:

Identity Finder protection is a two part process, Identity Finder needs to perform a scan much like an anti-virus software, and then you need to review the results of the scan.

Notification of Automated Identity Finder Scanning

This is a notification that Identity Finder software will be launched on your campus workstation and search for Level 1 protected data, such as social security and credit card numbers. Your assistance will still be required to review the results.  Beginning Wednesday March 16th at 10:00 AM, Identity Finder scans will automatically scan your computer.

The CSUEU and the CFA have reviewed the Identity Finder deployment, and have recognized the importance and the value of this implementation to our security processes. Information Security has waited the amount of time agreed to with the unions to allow you to screen your workstation and files and to secure any personal information.

When Identity Finder Runs

You may see a notification when Identity Finder starts running and when it completes searching your workstation (see below):

Identity Finder runs in the background, but running a search on any system for the first time can take several hours. You can continue to work while Identity Finder searches your computer, but it may slow your computer’s performance.

IMPORTANT: Reviewing your Results

While finding Level 1 protected data is one of our responsibilities, our greatest responsibility is protecting the data of our faculty, staff, and students.

As you are aware, data breaches are often big news and can be very costly. Identity Finder is specifically designed to find personally identifiable information stored on your campus workstation and to provide you with a way to securely remove this data.

As a result, it is imperative for you to review the results of Identity Finder’s scan of your workstation.

A tutorial on handling your Identity Finder search results is available at

For more information on Identity Finder, please visit the Identity Finder website at