On February 25th, 2019 undergraduates of CSU, Chico will be invited via email to participate in the EDUCAUSE Students and Technology Survey. The results of this survey are very important to the university and will help determine future priorities in information technology.
A summary of the results of the last survey (2017) can be found at https://www.csuchico.edu/ires/_assets/documents/dashboards/ecar.pdf. Participation in the study is voluntary, and responses are completely confidential. The survey is open until March 15th.
By completing this survey, undergraduate students will be eligible to enter into a drawing for $50 and $100 gift certificates from Amazon.com.
For more detailed information and verification of the validity of this survey sponsored by EDUCAUSE, please visit the CSU, Chico EDUCAUSE Survey website: http://www.csuchico.edu/educause-survey.
If you have questions or concerns, please submit a request at support.csuchico.edu or contact IT Support Services.